Pub. 13 2023-2024 Issue 6

Center for Bank Advocacy

August 2024-May 2025

CBA’s Center for Bank Advocacy is a comprehensive 10-month program designed to develop the next generation of banking leaders.

The program includes monthly sessions led by accomplished and notable presenters. Each session builds upon the experiences and knowledge gained in the previous session. The curriculum includes:

  • Overview of advocacy in the banking industry.
  • Colorado’s election process, recent results and ramifications.
  • CBA’s process of determining positions and priorities.
  • Connecting with legislators.
  • Federal-level advocacy.
  • Congressional and regulatory agencies.
  • Statewide offices’ responsibilities and powers.
  • Legislative hearings and how to testify.
  • Participation in a mock hearing.
  • Day at the Capitol with CBA.
  • Meetings with public officials.
  • CBA’s Legislative Briefing & Luncheon with Legislators.

Interested? Contact Lindsay Muniz ( or visit the CBA website ( for more information.

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