Pub. 13 2023-2024 Issue 1

Chairman’s Message: CBA Priorities for 2023–2024

I feel very honored and privileged to serve our industry and the Colorado Bankers Association (CBA) membership in the coming year. I have been involved with the CBA as a board member for years and have witnessed firsthand the strength and influence our industry has and the impact we can have on legislative efforts.

CBA is a strong, well-respected voice for our industry, and we have been very successful over the years, educating, collaborating and working with those in our industry and on the legislative front to achieve common goals. I know that the coming years are critical for our industry, and I am confident that our leadership team at the CBA and our members are up to the challenges ahead.

I think it is important that CBA remain focused on a few key priorities in the following year including:

Financial Stability and Health of the CBA

The financial stability and health of the CBA are critical as we need sound representation and advocacy for our industry now more than ever. Without appropriate financial resources, we cannot expect to be effective in our efforts. The CBA team does a terrific job representing our industry, but without financial resources, it is very difficult to accomplish our goals.

Significant headwinds are facing our industry that could affect the profitability of our members in the coming years. CBA will continue to be fiscally responsible and get the most out of each dollar that members entrust to the association.

Advocacy and Government Relations

The banking industry is facing political challenges as evidenced by numerous bills introduced in this legislative session that are damaging to banks and their customer base. Jen, Alison and the team have worked hard and achieved many wins, but the challenge is ongoing. Resources are needed to educate and work with elected officials to help eliminate bad bills and/or work towards a common ground on an amended bill.

It is imperative that we continue to develop and educate the next generation of bankers so they can help advocate for our industry and become future industry leaders.

We must also continue to develop positive relationships with elected officials so we can be viewed as a resource as they consider legislation at the Federal and State Levels.


CBA serves as a primary source of banking information and education for those in our industry, preparing them not only to do their job well but also to represent our industry well. The resources available through CBA are crucial to banks that may not have the same resources internally and to individuals looking to advance their careers.

I look forward to working with the CBA team and our bank members in the coming year.

Picture of By the Colorado Bankers Association

By the Colorado Bankers Association