Pub. 13 2023-2024 Issue 1

Upcoming CBA Events

August 8

Center For Bank Advocacy Application Deadline

Denver, CO

CBA’s Center for Bank Advocacy is a comprehensive 10-month program designed to develop the next generation of banking leaders. Attendees will enjoy a program that includes monthly sessions with accomplished and notable presenters. Each session builds upon the experiences and knowledge gained in the previous class. Register at

September 14

Bank Security Training


With recent increases in crime and bank robberies in our city, it is imperative for bankers to be prepared for these unforeseen situations. Join CBA for a virtual training focusing on robbery awareness and procedures, active shooter training, the four L’s of physical security, and more.

September 25-28

2023 Western States Fall D.C. Fly-In

Washington, D.C.

Join CBA, and five other western state bankers associations (AZ, NV, MT, UT, WY), as we travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with agencies, regulators and our members of Congress. We encourage bankers who are passionate about representing the banking industry to join us at our nation’s capital.

Save the Date! – May 22-24

2024 Bankers Summit

Colorado Springs, CO

The fourth annual Banker Summit, co-hosted by the Colorado and Arizona Bankers Associations at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Picture of By the Colorado Bankers Association

By the Colorado Bankers Association